27 research outputs found

    Anti-Paraflagellar Rodc Antibodies Inhibit the In-Vitro Growth of Trypanosoma Brucei Brucei

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    Paraflagellar rod (PFR), a conserved structure expressed in all lifecycle stages of the order kinetoplasida except in the amastigotes is vital for the parasites survival. In T.b.brucei, the PFR protein has two major components, PFRc and PFRa with molecular mass 73kDa and 68kDa respectively. Experimental evidences implicate the PFR protein as a highly immunogenic and protective antigen. However, its immunogenic properties underlying its suitability as vaccine candidate has not been adequately investigated in-vitro. This study aimed to demonstrate the growth inhibitory potential of PFR protein against T.b.brucei parasites inā€“vitro. Antibodies against a recombinant form of the PFRc protein were produced and used to generate immune response. A deoxyribonucleotide (DNA) segment of approximate 672bp encoding the PFRc protein component was amplified using polymerase chain reaction (PCR), cloned and expressed in E.coli (BL21) cells. A 200 Āµg portion of the purified PFRc protein mixed with 100Āµl Freund's complete adjuvant (FCA) was used to immunize rabbits. An antibody titre of 2.5 x 104 reciprocal dilutions was obtained following three immunisation boosts, spaced two weeks apart. Western blot analysis showed that rabbit anti-PFRc antibodies recognised specifically a 25kDa protein corresponding to the estimated size of the expressed PFRc protein. 25% of purified anti-rabbit IgG antibodies were able to inhibit ~70% T.b.brucei parasite in vitro. This confirmed that the PFRc protein is immunogenic in rabbits and can elicit specific growth inhibitory antibodies. However, we recommend invivo studies in humans and domestic animals infected by trypanosomes to ascertain the vaccine potential of this candidate protein for trypanosomiasis

    Community engagement strategies for genomic studies in Africa: a review of the literature

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    Background: Community engagement has been recognised as an important aspect of the ethical conduct of biomedical research, especially when research is focused on ethnically or culturally distinct populations. While this is a generally accepted tenet of biomedical research, it is unclear what components are necessary for effective community engagement, particularly in the context of genomic research in Africa. Methods: We conducted a review of the published literature to identify the community engagement strategies that can support the successful implementation of genomic studies in Africa. Our search strategy involved using online databases, Pubmed (National Library of Medicine), Medline and Google scholar. Search terms included a combination of the following: community engagement, community advisory boards, community consultation, community participation, effectiveness, genetic and genomic research, Africa, developing countries. Results: A total of 44 articles and 1 thesis were retrieved of which 38 met the selection criteria. Of these, 21 were primary studies on community engagement, while the rest were secondary reports on community engagement efforts in biomedical research studies. 34 related to biomedical research generally, while 4 were specific to genetic and genomic research in Africa. Conclusion: We concluded that there were several community engagement strategies that could support genomic studies in Africa. While many of the strategies could support the early stages of a research project such as the recruitment of research participants, further research is needed to identify effective strategies to engage research participants and their communities beyond the participant recruitment stage. Research is also needed to address how the views of local communities should be incorporated into future uses of human biological samples. Finally, studies evaluating the impact of CE on genetic research are lacking. Systematic evaluation of CE strategies is essential to determine the most effective models of CE for genetic and genomic research conducted in African settings

    Population genetic structure of the bean leaf beetle Ootheca mutabilis (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae) in Uganda

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    Bean leaf beetle (BLB) (Ootheca mutabilis) has emerged as an important bean pest in Uganda, leading to devastating crop losses. There is limited information on the population genetic structure of BLB despite its importance. In this study, novel microsatellite DNA markers and the partial mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (mtCOI) gene sequences were used to analyze the spatial population genetic structure, genetic differentiation and haplotype diversity of 86 O. mutabilis samples from 16 (districts) populations. We identified 19,356 simple sequence repeats (SSRs) (mono, di-, tri-, tetra-, penta-, and hexa-nucleotides) of which 81 di, tri and tetra-nucleotides were selected for primer synthesis. Five highly polymorphic SSR markers (4ā€“21 alleles, heterozygosity 0.59ā€“0.84, polymorphic information content (PIC) 50.13ā€“83.14%) were used for this study. Analyses of the 16 O. mutabilis populations with these five novel SSRs found nearly all the genetic variation occurring within populations and there was no evidence of genetic differentiation detected for both types of markers. Also, there was no evidence of isolation by distance between geographical and genetic distances for SSR data and mtCOI data except in one agro-ecological zone for mtCOI data. Bayesian clustering identified a signature of admixture that suggests genetic contributions from two hypothetical ancestral genetic lineages for both types of markers, and the minimum-spanning haplotype network showed low differentiation in minor haplotypes from the most common haplotype with the most common haplotype occurring in all the 16 districts. A lack of genetic differentiation indicates unrestricted migrations between populations. This information will contribute to the design of BLB control strategie

    No evidence for association with APOL1 kidney disease risk alleles and Human African Trypanosomiasis in two Ugandan populations:

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) manifests as an acute form caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (Tbr) and a chronic form caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Tbg). Previous studies have suggested a host genetic role in infection outcomes, particularly for APOL1. We have undertaken a candidate gene association studies (CGAS) in a Ugandan Tbr and a Tbg HAT endemic area, to determine whether polymorphisms in IL10, IL8, IL4, HLAG, TNFA, TNX4LB, IL6, IFNG, MIF, APOL1, HLAA, IL1B, IL4R, IL12B, IL12R, HP, HPR, and CFH have a role in HAT

    Proceedings of an expert workshop on community agreement for gene drive research in Africa - Co-organised by KEMRI, PAMCA and Target Malaria.

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    Gene drive research is progressing towards future field evaluation of modified mosquitoes for malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa. While many literature sources and guidance point to the inadequacy of individual informed consent for any genetically modified mosquito release, including gene drive ones, (outside of epidemiological studies that might require blood samples) and at the need for a community-level decision, researchers often find themselves with no specific guidance on how that decision should be made, expressed and by whom. Target Malaria, the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Pan African Mosquito Control Association co-organised a workshop with researchers and practitioners on this topic to question the model proposed by Target Malaria in its research so far that involved the release of genetically modified sterile male mosquitoes and how this could be adapted to future studies involving gene drive mosquito releases for them to offer reflections about potential best practices. This paper shares the outcomes of that workshop and highlights the remaining topics for discussion before a comprehensive model can be designed

    Proceedings of an expert workshop on community agreement for gene drive research in Africa - Co-organised by KEMRI, PAMCA and Target Malaria.

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    Gene drive research is progressing towards future field evaluation of modified mosquitoes for malaria control in sub-Saharan Africa. While many literature sources and guidance point to the inadequacy of individual informed consent for any genetically modified mosquito release, including gene drive ones, (outside of epidemiological studies that might require blood samples) and at the need for a community-level decision, researchers often find themselves with no specific guidance on how that decision should be made, expressed and by whom. Target Malaria, the Kenya Medical Research Institute and the Pan African Mosquito Control Association co-organised a workshop with researchers and practitioners on this topic to question the model proposed by Target Malaria in its research so far that involved the release of genetically modified sterile male mosquitoes and how this could be adapted to future studies involving gene drive mosquito releases for them to offer reflections about potential best practices. This paper shares the outcomes of that workshop and highlights the remaining topics for discussion before a comprehensive model can be designed

    No evidence for association with APOL1 kidney disease risk alleles and Human African Trypanosomiasis in two Ugandan populations:

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    Human African trypanosomiasis (HAT) manifests as an acute form caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense (Tbr) and a chronic form caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense (Tbg). Previous studies have suggested a host genetic role in infection outcomes, particularly for APOL1. We have undertaken a candidate gene association studies (CGAS) in a Ugandan Tbr and a Tbg HAT endemic area, to determine whether polymorphisms in IL10, IL8, IL4, HLAG, TNFA, TNX4LB, IL6, IFNG, MIF, APOL1, HLAA, IL1B, IL4R, IL12B, IL12R, HP, HPR, and CFH have a role in HAT

    Transcriptome profiles of Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense in Malawi reveal focus specific gene expression profiles associated with pathology.

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    BackgroundSleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma brucei rhodesiense is a fatal disease and endemic in Southern and Eastern Africa. There is an urgent need to develop novel diagnostic and control tools to achieve elimination of rhodesiense sleeping sickness which might be achieved through a better understanding of trypanosome gene expression and genetics using endemic isolates. Here, we describe transcriptome profiles and population structure of endemic T. b. rhodesiense isolates in human blood in Malawi.MethodologyBlood samples of r-HAT cases from Nkhotakota and Rumphi foci were collected in PaxGene tubes for RNA extraction before initiation of r-HAT treatment. 100 million reads were obtained per sample, reads were initially mapped to the human genome reference GRCh38 using HiSat2 and then the unmapped reads were mapped against Trypanosoma brucei reference transcriptome (TriTrypDB54_TbruceiTREU927) using HiSat2. Differential gene expression analysis was done using the DeSeq2 package in R. SNP calling from reads that were mapped to the T. brucei genome was done using GATK in order to identify T.b. rhodesiense population structure.Results24 samples were collected from r-HAT cases of which 8 were from Rumphi and 16 from Nkhotakota foci. The isolates from Nkhotakota were enriched with transcripts for cell cycle arrest and stumpy form markers, whereas isolates in Rumphi focus were enriched with transcripts for folate biosynthesis and antigenic variation pathways. These parasite focus-specific transcriptome profiles are consistent with the more virulent disease observed in Rumphi and a less symptomatic disease in Nkhotakota associated with the non-dividing stumpy form. Interestingly, the Malawi T.b. rhodesiense isolates expressed genes enriched for reduced cell proliferation compared to the Uganda T.b. rhodesiense isolates. PCA analysis using SNPs called from the RNAseq data showed that T. b. rhodesiense parasites from Nkhotakota are genetically distinct from those collected in Rumphi.ConclusionOur results suggest that the differences in disease presentation in the two foci is mainly driven by genetic differences in the parasites in the two major endemic foci of Rumphi and Nkhotakota rather than differences in the environment or host response

    Differential gene expression analysis of Tbr isolates from Nkhotakota versus Rumphi foci.

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    A) PCA analysis showing outlier samples from both Nkhotakota and Rumphi foci that were excluded from further analysis. B) Proportions of upregulated differentially expressed genes in in Nkhotakota Tbr isolates with ESAG transcripts being the most upregulated. (TIFF)</p